As his portfolio shows his highlight from his 3-D modelling skill from object and bit of animation using Unreal Editor software. Where I found this example from his work of drawing and painting onto Photoshop work called the Ruined Well, as the concept of his art work shows his development idea genre from sci-fi and fantasy. Using this idea to develop his 3-D work called the pillars that he created using 3DS Max, Mudbox and Photoshop to set modelling using the game onto unreal.
Concept: Ruined Well
As from below the page of his website he shows his work Unreal Level vdieo using some existing material element towards the design of the environment from parts of tutorials.Since currently builded the level from screatch including to use models he created from maya,Mudbox and photoshop. As the vidoe explores the interface realm from what created of the infrastructure technology.
In game screen shots from Unreal
The diffuse, normal, specular and occulsion maps:
Unreal Level
Here i found screenshot of the environment he made using Unreal Engine while learning the software from an existing tutorial.As he currently build the model from scratch ,created using Maya,Mudbox and Photoshop. Overall making the building environment more as sci-fi from technology intoxicated waste area.