Saturday, 18 February 2012

Research 1

In my research I found information about this unknown artist name Alex Galuzin who is game level designer and game environment artist. From graduating 2009 from Ringling College of art and design in B.F.A in Computer Animation located in Florida. As Galuzin passion is to contribute towards the community of other artist from designers from the creator World of Level and
As his work explore the virtue of 3-D world from game design and environment using his personal blog to upload most of his work that he is currently working. By exploring the inspiration of games environment and research based on the game Grand Theft Auto (G.T.A 5). The interest from visual quality of the game world using some example of images from the game trailer, by showing the environmental sight that is used in GTA towards communicating his idea, how much amount of polygon and texture tell a story to communicate the certain aspect the field of the environment from a visual realistic 3-D life of reality.

As Left 4 Dead 2 is a first shooter video survival horror game where the storyline is based in horror from worldwide of human being transformed into zombie creature from violence of killing innocent human being by infecting them within 28 days later to become one of them. As US military has a safe place to evacuate many American survivors. As the four survivor member are immune to the disease by trying killing all zombies, as dialogue follows different story of those characters from a first shooter game. By surviving there way to fight throw the infected area towards human extinction.

Here is some example of his work I found from the website

I found this example from the game L4D2 (Left 4 Dead 2) House of Menorca that the artist created which kinda looks like a mansion. I was interested the visual quality amount work that is used to make the scenery and texture more realistic. That I couldn’t believe my own eyes. Since I watched the video of the first shooter where the game player explore the interior building of different floors from a full exportable environment, that shows the empty indoor building from interior texture and space.

Where I was able to download the actual file that artist linked on his website. But sadly I couldn't able open the file.


The enviroment of L4D2 (Left 4 Dead 2)

House of Menorca uses mostly lighting.
from a fully exterior and interior where its fully textured where i found a highlighted image of the 3-D design.

Here another exmaple of the game L4D2: Hospital Hallway with Switchable Lights/Doors



Full scene featuring an activated switch which turns on the lights and unlocks a door down the

  • Sound fx
  • Outputs/Inputs set up through logic_relay
  • Can be used as L4D2 prefab or instance.
  • Detailed and ready to use
  • Textures and models are standard that come with Valve’s L4D2

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