Sunday 8 January 2012

Knick Knack

Knick Knack is 5th short that animated film ,directed by John Lassester. Which is final short Pixar made film from a hardware company where premiered in 1989 with SIGGRAPH.Until the success of Toys Story.

As the animation of the storyline starts of on a bookshelf filled with vacation souvenirs of toys having fun as a Snowman name Knick is in a globe sitting by itself. By later seeing a doll in a bikini gaining attention by pointing out Knick to join in,as the snowman method is to break out of the globe. Throwing ramming the igloo to breaking the glass, throw later using the hammer from the snowman carrot nose. Which dose not go accroding to plan by trying to escape as the last and final escape is using the TNT which blast of in an explosion causing the globe to tip over the egde of the shelf by falling down , while twisting the globe by the time Knick found an exit door. When escaping Knick found himslef free by landing on fishbowl later walking towards seeing a pretty mermaid as finally being free before it was too late. As the globe went in by trapping Knick for the second time.


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