Saturday 7 January 2012

Tin Toy

Tin Toy is the forth short film animation that Pixar made during 1988 directed by John Lasseter. Using the first element of human form in 3-D.As the animation of Tin Toy was originally planned as ''A Tin Toy Christmas'' for half-hour long television special.
Later won an Academy Award for ther Best Animated Short in 1989 from the first computer generated animation to receive an Oscar.

As the short film is based on living room as the mechanical one-man band name Tinny,and the baby name Billy. Between interacting two characters as the expression when Tinny is delighted to play with Billy until until his expression changes when he find out how destructive Billy can be.As Tinny slowly ecsapes from Billy by hiding beneath the couch.As Billy trys to catch Tinny, when Tinny discovers dozen of other Toys were terrified to come out throw same experience. As Tinny soon realised when Billy was crying on the hardwood floor, Tinny later fealt bad as he decided to play with Billy. Since Billy picked up Timmy by shaking him violently later put Timmy on the floor gently as Billy had somthing to play around was a cardboard box by running off with the bag on his head as Tinny follows while the credits sequence roll with animator name.

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